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You can now join your friends for free, without buying and activating a CS:GO Viewer Pass. Log in, head to PGL Copenhagen 2024 page, and hit the "Join for free" button! Of course, you can still play for real as well!

Please note you will obviously not receive any in-game coin, items, or any other perk that buying the Viewer Pass will net you.
Logo of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Online (real) predictions for CS:GO Majors

Don't have access to a computer running Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, but still want to join in on the fun of predicting who the definitive winner will be for the CS:GO Major Championships? You're in the right place! Full mobile support included!

Check below for a list of supported features!

Keep track of your performance!

See what teams have progressed to what stage, and how you've done at every step of the way!

Go for Diamond!

Image of how picks look like


Join or create groups, and see how you've fared against your friends. Get rekt n00bs!

Man, that Mave is like Nostradamus!

Mave's friends, probably

Image showing what groups look like

Make your picks, on-the-go, everywhere!

Simply drag 'n drop the teams into their right places, and fight your way up to the coveted Diamond CoinImage of a Diamond Pick'Em Coin! With full mobile support!

Image showing what picks in groups with members look like
Image showing a fool having picked Virtus.Pro for the Semis, even though they will be eliminated in the Quarters

New! Join for free!

Join for free, on this website, without buying and activating a CS:GO Viewer Pass!

Please note you will obviously not receive any in-game coin, items, or any other perk that buying the Viewer Pass will net you.

Image of what playing for free looks like

Fantasy Team Pick'Em


This site had full support for making Fantasy Team Pick'Ems way back in 2016!

Look at those beautiful faces! And that handwriting, hmm!

Valve has since sunsetted this feature, but we'll keep showing the events that did have Fantasy Team Pick'Ems.

Image showing deprecated Fantasy Team Pick'Em

How does this work?

When a new Major has started, and Valve has made the Pick'Ems available in the CS:GO client, this website will use the official Steam API's ( to show the real-time tournament data.

You need to do just two things:

  • Log in to this website through Steam (Nobody should ever ask for your password.)
  • Go to the settings page, obtain an official Game Authentication Code (, and input it here

That's it! We'll ask Valve to show us what you've picked. As soon as the actual stages are open for picks, and you definitely know who's to proceed through the ranks, we'll tell Valve you want that team to win!